Sorry for the typo
「Sorry for the typo」熱門搜尋資訊
「Sorry for the typo」文章包含有:「Sorryformytypomistake.Ashouldbecorrectedasb的繁體...」、「sorryforthetypo」、「howdoyousay"Sorryforthetypo"inChinese?查看翻譯」、「Sorryforthetypos」、「Sorryforthetypo.」、「apologiesforthetypoerror」、「"Iamsorryfortypo."anygrammarmistakeshere?用英語...」、「apologiseforthetypo」、「SorryforthemanytypoesorSorryforthetypo?」、「Sorryformytypomistake.的繁體中文翻譯」
查看更多Sorry for my typo mistake. A should be corrected as b的繁體 ...
復制成功! 對不起,我的錯字錯誤。A應予以糾正為b. 正在翻譯中..
sorry for the typo
sorry for the typo is correct and can be used in written English. You can use it to apologize for a mistake in typing or spelling in a previous sentence.
how do you say "Sorry for the typo" in Chinese? 查看翻譯
抱歉/不好意思,打错了|抱歉,打错了|formally 抱歉/不好意思,打错了/失误/笔误orally 手滑了 |@ayaka41 抱歉,我打错字了.
Sorry for the typos
It is usually used when a person has made mistakes in written communication and would like to apologize for those mistakes. For example: I'm sorry for the ...
Sorry for the typo.
Hello! Is this sentence correct? Sorry for the typo. Can I also say I apologise/apologize for the typo?
apologies for the typo error
apologies for the typo error is an appropriate and usable phrase in written English. You can use it as a show of politeness when you have made an ...
"I am sorry for typo." any grammar mistakes here? 用英語 ...
it should be: I'm sorry for the typo if you want it to be more formal, like if you're writing a letter, replace typo with typographical ...
apologise for the typo
You could use it when you have made a typo in a message or text you have sent, to show that you regret the mistake. For example, I'm sorry, I meant to type ' ...
Sorry for the many typoes or Sorry for the typo ?
Sorry for the typo vs Sorry for the many typoes. A complete search of the internet has found these results: Sorry for the typo is the most popular phrase on the ...
Sorry for my typo mistake.的繁體中文翻譯
對不起,我錯錯字。 正在翻譯中..